The information provided on, or referred to in, this web site has been compiled for the provision of information to Mackay Sugar members specifically and other interested parties generally. Mackay Sugar has taken all reasonable care in producing this information however due to its nature the information is being regularly updated. Mackay Sugar makes no promise that the information is current and completely accurate and accepts no responsibility for any consequences arising from the use of the information provided on, or referred to in, this web site (other than individual member information provided for the benefit of that member for the current crushing season).

Copyright in the information contained within this web site subsists under the Copyright Act 1968. The information may be downloaded for personal use, or in order to inform others about it, but otherwise may not be reproduced or modified without the written permission of Mackay Sugar.

By accessing this web site you agree that Mackay Sugar will not be liable for any expenses, losses or costs incurred as a result of information on this web site being inaccurate or incomplete in any way.