There are several components to Mackay Sugar's induction process:

Please Note that if all components are not completed, this may place your arrival on our sites in jeopardy.

  1. The electronic induction includes an overview of Mackay Sugar and some key aspects of workplace safety.
  2. For Online Inductions, please select the Contractor Induction from the catalogue on the Mackay Sugar training platform at
    For further instructions on how to register for Online Inductions, please click here
  3. The Site Induction, which is only conducted on Wednesday at Racecourse Mill, will include some practical exercises and topics for discussion.
  4. The final component for most contractors, is the Site Familiarisation. This will be conducted on the first day of work at the Mackay Sugar site where the work is being performed and will be conducted by a Mackay Sugar supervisor.
  5. Depending on your role, other inductions may include the OHS Construction Industry Induction, Refinery Hygiene Induction and Low Voltage Electrical Induction. This should be discussed with the Mackay Sugar supervisor for your particular job.
  6. There may also be ATO's (Authority to Operate) which you will be required to complete. This should be discussed with the Mackay Site supervisor for your particular job.


General Site Induction Instructions


  • Bookings are mandatory for all Site Inductions and bookings will only be accepted, once the Online Induction has been completed.
  • For bookings, email
  • Site Inductions are held on a Wednesday only at Racecourse Mill.
  • Attendees will receive a confirmation email with the date, time and where to assemble at Racecourse. If you have not received this email, please check with your work administration/receptionist person.
  • Clothing requirements are MANDATORY: i.e., long sleeved shirts, long-pants, and closed-in shoes.