On average, we produce about 800,000 tonnes of raw sugar each year. Raw sugar for the export market is delivered to the bulk sugar terminal at Port of Mackay.This sugar is marketed on our behalf by Queensland Sugar Limited, the body responsible for marketing over 90 per cent of Queensland's export production. Our raw sugar is marketed, predominantly in Asia, to refiners in South Korea, Indonesia, Japan and Malaysia as the primary customers. It’s also provided to Sugar Australia Joint Venture for further processing and refining.
Our raw sugar is priced on the basis of the Intercontinental Exchange No 11 Contract (a raw sugar futures contract) and we actively manage our price risk and exchange rate cover to enhance revenue.
From the sugar manufacturing process, we create the following by-products:
We produce in excess of 200,000 tonnes of final molasses each year, of which 50,000 tonnes is sold to Graincorp Liquid feeds (near Marian Mill), where it’s processed as animal stockfeed. Approximately 50 per cent of molasses produced is sold to the CSR Sarina distillery, while the balance is exported via the Mackay Port, through Australian Molasses Trading.
Bagasse is a cane-fibre residue and is used as a renewable fuel, allowing our mills to be fully energy self-sufficient and supply green energy to the Mackay district electricity grid (Mackay mills). We produce over 2 million tonnes of bagasse each year. Bagasse is combusted in boilers to produce high pressure steam which drives the power houses and mill turbines. The exhaust steam is used to process the sugar juice.
Mill Mud/Ash
Mill mud (or filter mud) remains after the cane juice is clarified and filtered. It contains soil from the sugarcane that enters our mills, sugars and bagasse particles and lime, which is used in the clarification process. Ash is the material that remains after the combustion of fuel (largely bagasse) in our mill boilers. These beneficial by-products are combined and distributed over farms as an organic soil conditioner and an important source of plant nutrients.